14 Great DIY Projects | I’m Lovin’ It Features

This weekend kind of flew by. Maybe because I feel like we never had a weekend. Monday was a holiday. Tuesday I had to take Allison back to the pediatrician, since the round of antibiotics the week before didn’t kick her cough, so she was home from school. Wednesday they had a half day of school. Thursday brought snow and ice that basically shut down St. Louis for two days. I baked a cobbler that boiled over, so I got to try theAuqualift Technology to clean my oven (a little water and elbow grease and it was clean in an hour, with no yucky smell) Friday night, I did make it out. I learned a new way to tie my scarf, then the girls and I went to see Silver Linings Playboook, thank to Shaina’s suggestion…it was every bit as good as she promised. Go see it! Saturday I ran a few errands, and picked up something that may change my life. If you have pets that shed, look for the FurGoPet deshedder, I found it at Target. WHEW…….. Today I’m overcome with the desire to get creative!

source: tidymom