Nothing is cozier and more personal than a little candle. Its shimmer of light is shaping the world around it an extraordinary manner especially after sunset. A calm relaxing tone of jazz surrounded by small candles while you immerse yourself into supreme relaxation in the bathtub. Perfect. We need time off to unplug. We need a short break in our busy schedules to relax, meditate or schedule ahead if we really are workaholics. If the bathtub and the jazz music is not enough to unplug because it leaves your mind open to work thoughts, you should probably focus on doing things that calm you down rather than simply stay put. Follow the diy candle holder projects below and find the time to make some candle holders for the loved ones that actually love to stay put in their free time.
We are doers and there is nothing wrong with that. We have a multitude of things to do, a million places to be and a rough agenda to make it all happen. From time to time unplugging is natural and normal, nothing can be more natural than life without strings. Start your DIY project today and make your loved one happy!

You can start by using the sensible natural elements like wood and birch to amplify the coziness and warmth of your candle. Cut a simple shape or star for your loved one and project the shape on a blank wall if possible.

source: homesthetics